The outcome of which will determine our reproductive freedom and self-determination for years to come.

What you need to know…
As you know, this year we are entering a critical presidential election. The outcome of which will determine our reproductive freedom and self-determination for years to come. Still, we are also faced with both federal and statewide elections on the same ballot, all of which will have dire impacts on the world around us.
Our federal elections will feature:
Vice President
United States House of Representatives
In North Carolina state and local elections will feature:
Lieutenant Governor
Secretary of State
North Caroline State Senate
North Carolina House of Representatives
Appellate Courts
State Supreme Court
State Auditor
State Treasurer
Commissioners for Labor, Insurance, and Agriculture
Know before you go!
Being an educated voter means fully understanding every aspect of your ballot. Beyond simply knowing the candidates, to be an informed and impactful voter, you must also know the ballot measures featured in each election cycle. Here are the ballot measures that you will see on your ballot this election season.
A “yes” vote supports amending the state constitution to provide that only U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older can vote in elections.
A “no” vote opposes amending the state constitution to provide that only U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older can vote in elections, rather than every citizen. Those who oppose the bill believe that the language in the state and national constitution already addresses the matter.
North Carolina School Board Elections
Across North Carolina, voters have the chance to make their voices heard in several local school board elections. As we continue to witness extreme attacks on our education systems targeting everything from access to literature, comprehensive sex education, and the self-determination of students, we must be engaged and active in these elections. Find out if you’ll see school board elections or your ballot this season!
At-large Candidates (4 Available Seats) :
Cabarrus County Schools
District 3: Michael Logan (R), David Coates (D)
District 5: Deborah Napper (D), Cara Townsend Dohner (R)
District 7: Bettye T. Jenkins (D), Karen Coble Albright (R)
Guilford County Schools
At-large Candidates (5 Available Seats)
Sarah May (R)
Todd Price (R)
Liz Baxter (D)
Weston Burroughs (D)
Union County Public Schools
District 1: Alicia Chisolm, Kathi Gibson, Mary Hales
District 2: Deanna Jones, John Lee
District 3: Delores Bell, Tom Hatch, Bryan Moore
District 4: Donna Vann, Rebecca Pedigo, Jackie Warner
District 5: Susan Williams, Tracy Pelt
District 6: Nathan Warfel, Terra Jordan
Cumberland County Schools
District 3: Kay Carroll, Jason Shuler
District 4: April Lee, David Spain
District 6: Lyn Andrews, Rick Walker
District 7: Ronald Johnson, Jeff Sullivan
Johnston County Schools
Wake County Public School System
District 3: Wing Ng, Jordyne Blaise
District 4: Toshiba Rice, Sean Callan, Michael T. Williams
District 5: Lynn Edmonds, Ted Hills
District 6: Sam Hershey, Josh Points
District 8: Lindsay Mahaffey, Elizabeth McDuffie
In 2024 one of the most important races across the nation will be the United States Congressional elections. These elections will determine which elected officials will be voting on critical reproductive justice legislation like the Reproductive Freedom Act. For North Carolina, these candidates include:
United States House of Representatives: